Saved In America

The Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as “modern-day slavery” and it involves the use of coercion, fraud, or force to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Unfortunately, this heinous crime, though it seems like something that would only affect poor countries with little regard for human life, is thriving right here in our own beloved United States of America. It is this crime in which Saved In America (SIA) was created to fight against. Since its founding in 2014, SIA has worked to counteract the insurgence of human trafficking incidents within the nation’s borders. 

This Problem is Found Right At Home

For years, other countries have battled human trafficking and many organizations were created to help them win this fight. However, in recent years, the battle has come to our own shores and is now impacting American children. It doesn’t discriminate either, as it affects kids from all backgrounds, racial upbringing, and financial statuses. Human trafficking in America is backed by a triad of evil— that being prison gangs, street gangs, and drug cartels. These criminal organizations have realized that they can profit far more from the selling and exploitation of humans than they can from selling drugs or weapons. After all, a drug can only be sold once, while a human being can be sold, resold, and then sold again, and again to continue to make a profit. This has led to an upsurge in human trafficking cases, with the crime growing more and more problematic throughout the nation and enslaving more and more children, even those who come from loving otherwise safe areas. 

Fighting This Battle Takes Skilled Maneuvers

Saved In America is made up of professional volunteers who have a background in either law enforcement or the military. Many of them are expertly trained in intelligence gathering and understand how to track down and find runaways before they become the victim of a predator or are sold into a sex trafficking ring. Finding missing and exploited kids is a tall task and takes a great deal of skill and courage. Therefore, only a few special volunteers fit the bill for this mission. A mission, that if left undone, could mean the destruction of countless lives throughout our beloved land. #ChildSavedNotSold

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