Beacon of Hope


Exploring Life & Business with Joseph Travers of Saved in America

In a world where countless children go missing every year, the tireless efforts of leaders like Joseph Travers shine as a beacon of hope. As the founder of Saved in America, Joseph has dedicated his life to a mission that is both noble and urgent: locating and recovering missing and exploited children.

In his interview with SD Voyager, Joseph Travers shares the incredible journey that led him to establish Saved in America. His background as a licensed private investigator and retired law enforcement officer uniquely positions him to lead a team of skilled professionals, including former Navy SEALs and military special operators, in the fight against child sex trafficking. This all-volunteer team operates at no cost to the families or law enforcement agencies they assist, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to protecting the most vulnerable members of our society.

Joseph's passion for his work is palpable as he recounts the countless hours and personal sacrifices made to bring children back to their families. His story is one of resilience, determination, and an unyielding belief in the power of good to overcome evil. It is through his leadership that Saved in America has grown into a formidable force, rescuing over 250 children since its inception.

The Saved In America team model consists of three pillars; 1. We never charge parents/ guardians to find their children. 2. We do this voluntarily. 3. We use former Special Operators, Police Officers, and Tech Operators who become Licensed and Insured Private Investigators.

But the battle is far from over. Every day, new cases emerge, and the need for resources becomes even more critical. By donating to Saved in America, you are not just supporting an organization; you are becoming part of a movement to protect and rescue children from the horrors of exploitation and trafficking. Your contribution can help provide the tools, training, and support necessary to bring more children home safely.

Join us in this mission. Donate to Saved in America today and help us continue the fight to save our children. Together, we can make a difference.

Karinna Zarate