Rotary Club

At a meeting for the local chapter of the Carlsbad Rotary Club, Saved in America’s own founder and spokesman Joseph Travers was asked to present a program and explain what Saved in America is all about and their immense value in the community and nationwide. The mission of Saved in America is a simple one, locate your child. Rotary Board Member Malena Bennett was responsible for inviting Travers to speak and her thoughtfulness in this endeavor was much appreciated.  

About Saved in America

Saved in America is a non-profit organization created for the sole purpose of finding missing kids. These kids are not taken or kidnapped as in the traditional sense. Instead, they are missing and often exploited. Within 48 hours after a kid goes missing, stats show that 60% of those kids will be recruited into or taken into a human trafficking ring. Therefore, time is immensely important. Sadly, law enforcement agencies nationwide are simply overwhelmed with the scope of the issue. There are thousands upon thousands of kids missing any given day who seemingly ran away of their own volition. When it comes to crimes, this doesn’t take precedence and therefore is often relegated to the bottom of the pile so to speak in terms of tasks. Of course, since so much bad can happen so quickly, this delay in action presents a huge problem, which was the impetus for the creation of SIA in the first place.

Doesn’t Replace Law Enforcement

Joseph Travers himself was a special operations' law enforcement officer and served in many capacities within the scope of local law enforcement and even on the federal level. His son, who is also a key player at SIA, is in law enforcement. Therefore, this group is in no way created to step on the toes of local law enforcement. Instead, this group, which is made up of all volunteers who have previous law enforcement or military specialty experience, works to help law enforcement do the hard, arduous and time-consuming work of tracking down missing kids through social media contacts, surveillance and more. Then, SIA will alert law enforcement of the whereabouts of the missing child and then the local police force will go in and orchestrate the rescue. Therefore, there is no snatching and grabbing kids. Instead, it is all done on the right side of the law. 

Brandie P