Saved in America’s founder Joseph Travers appeared on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh7f6OLueOA&t=15s with Dan Ball to discuss an important issue that is impacting every American. The show begins by looking at the crisis at the border and the millions of illegal aliens who are making their way into America seemingly without consequence. While the human trafficking industry is bad enough without the impact from the border issues, with nearly 100,000 American children being victimized by the industry every year, Travers explains that the problem is even worse for children who are being illegally sent into our country by their parents who are hoping they will find a better life. 

What Happens to Illegal Kids?

Travers goes on to explain the horrors that await some of the children who are being sent by their parents across the border and then into America. Their desire is obviously to give their child a better life. However, these kids are being kidnapped by the cartels and forced into sexual slavery or human trafficking. Unfortunately, when this happens, the parents simply have nowhere to turn to for help. Who can they call when they realize their child didn’t make it safely into America? Who is going to track down and find kids who aren’t legally in the county, when law enforcement is already overwhelmed trying to find the missing 100,000 American kids that are currently enslaved? Travers estimates that the number of human trafficking victims that are foreign children, or non-Americans, likely is more than double the 100,000 number we know represents American victims. 

The Border Issues Are Impacting Us All

Not only is the border crisis impacting America in many other ways such as increased crime and more, but it is also serving up foreign children on a silver platter for these inhuman predatory organizations who want only to profit off them and consider them as a product to be sold over and over again. What about the innocent children whose parents are sending them across the border for a better life only to have them snatched up by the human trafficking industry and never to be seen or heard from again? They, too, are victims of this and are being ignored by our government for the most part. This is a huge problem that needs to be addressed and is only getting worse the longer it goes without a good resolution. 

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