Free Help

Saved in America’s founder Joseph Travers was a guest on KUSI News about the group’s operation #childsavednotsold. Joseph Travers begins his interview by giving a background on the founding of Saved in America and how it came about as a way to fight against the evil triads—made up of prison gangs, street gangs, and drug cartels who have turned their attention towards children as their new product of choice. 

It’s a Web of Evil

In addition to the people who are profiting directly off the kids who are being trafficked, there are many others involved who add to the problem more indirectly through the grooming process and/or serving as recruiters. These evil predators use social media and other methods to earn the trust of kids who then run away of their own accord, thinking they are running into the open arms of someone who has their best interest at heart. Unfortunately, instead, these predators are wolves in sheep’s clothing waiting on kids to leave the safety of their homes to entrap them, exploit them, and profit from their suffering. 

It Takes Consistent Effort 

The work of finding and rescuing kids is not simple. It takes a great deal of involvement from all sorts of good guys to fight the evil done by the bad guys. For example, law enforcement agencies work in conjunction with Saved in America to battle the horrors of the human trafficking industry. Saved in America is set to begin monthly meetings where they will scan all the missing, runaway, and trafficking children listings within San Diego County and then assist law enforcement and/or the police in finding them, all free of charge.

The Kids With No One Are Most Vulnerable

While there are kids who become victimized by the human trafficking industry and have parents, many of them have no one on this earth who will champion their cause. This fact has led SIA to begin seeking these missing kids out based on the missing listings instead of waiting for a parent to call their attention to the problem. SIA believes all kids deserve to be rescued from the evils of the industry, not just those who have parents who miss them at home.  Of course, at all times, their services remain free as they are a nonprofit organization that operates off volunteer efforts and donations. 

Brandie P