Madison Case

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, 365,000 kids go missing within America’s borders every year. Madison, a 15-year-old girl from San Diego, CA became one of this number and was seemingly destined to also become a tragic statistic. Thankfully, at the time Madison went missing, our own Saved in America was working with the San Diego police to find missing foster kids who were victimized by the human trafficking industry, which led them to begin working on Madison’s case.

Foster Children Are Especially Vulnerable 

According to SIA founder Joseph Travers, foster children are at greater risk of becoming trafficked. Around 60% of kids who are victimized by the human trafficking industry are foster kids. This is because these kids often don’t have the type of support available as kids who live with their parents or even family members enjoy. 

Madison’s Case

Madison’s case caught the eye of SIA. Sadly, she didn’t even have a parent or support person to contact initially (though her mom did eventually help with the case). Instead, the San Diego Police Department and San Diego County itself was her contact. She was missing and it seemed no one in her life cared outside of law enforcement and children’s services professionals. The intel department of Saved in America came on board in Madison’s case to determine if she was still alive and where she might be if she was still living. This involved surveillance, social media research, and more. 

It Was a Success

Thankfully, Madison’s case is one with a happy ending as the SIA team successfully orchestrated her rescue from human trafficking. It turns out that Madison wanted out of the situation she was in but just didn’t know how to escape. Post-rescue, Madison went on to graduate high school as part of the 2021 class. She is also gainfully employed and living a productive life contributing to society. She is proudly working towards an eventual career in Drug & Alcohol Counseling where she will give back to society even more. Madison also was awarded the Brittanee Drexel  #ChildSavedNotSold Scholarship Award at the 2021 Fundraising Event. Madison’s case and its happy ending is a great example of the best-case scenario for a child who has become victimized by the human trafficking industry. 

Brandie P