
Saved in America comprises many volunteers with illustrious backgrounds in law enforcement and/or military service. Many also have special forces experience. Case in point, Kirby D. Horrell is one volunteer who served his country before coming back stateside and continuing to act in a different capacity through SIA. This feature, 10 Things About Kirby D. Horrell & Saved in America looks at Kirby’s life and the good he is still doing even in his retirement. 

Kirby Believes in Doing Things Right

One saying that Kirby is well known for saying is “Do it right the first time or don’t do it at all.” Perhaps, this mindset came due to his career as a US Navy SEAL and all the challenges of excellence that entailed. He also believes it's important to do right even when nobody’s watching because God is watching all of us. Now retired from his military service, Kirby serves Saved in America as a private investigator and a volunteer. 


Kirby Has a Wonderful Life

Although his military career was made up of a great deal of hard work, Kirby has led a wonderful life that has been rewarding in many ways. He proudly boasts about his three beautiful granddaughters who keep him entertained and expounds upon the love of his life, his beloved wife. Kirby joined SIA as a way to continue giving back after his career in the military came to an end. He understands the evils of the human trafficking industry and wants to protect all children from becoming victims of these heinous realities. 


His Work is Still Needed

Due to the massive explosion of human trafficking in America, this booming industry has quickly outgrown the capacities of local law enforcement departments to handle it. Thankfully, Kirby and the other volunteers who make up Saved in America volunteer their time and expertise to track down and find missing children and get them the help they need post-rescue as well. This means that even once a child is found, SIA assists in finding a safe place to live and helps them seek legal means of prosecution to see the bad guys behind bars where they belong, all free of charge. There aren’t enough words to convey the impact Kirby and the other volunteers are having on the industry and the good they are doing to protect these young lives. 

Brandie P