Saved In America

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10 Year Anniversary

December 12, 2024, will mark a significant anniversary for our organization, Saved in America. On that date, we will proudly honor the seventh anniversary of our first recovery, when we successfully found and rescued “Abby” or Katie, then just 15 years of age from the perils and horrors of sex trafficking. 


“Abby’s” (Katie’s) Story

Abby as she was known is actually named Katie. She was the first rescue for our organization and had been trafficked since the young age of 11 by a street gang. Astoundingly, even at the innocent age of 11 years old, Katie became engaged in extremely risky behavior spurred on and victimized by a group of gang members. This lifestyle eventually led her to become a dancer at an adult nightclub at the age of 14. She was an extremely attractive girl who had a lot going for her before she was targeted by the sex trade industry and a local street gang. Her abuse wasn’t merely sexual either as she often exhibited facial injuries she never could quite explain and would state that she didn’t know how she got them. 


The Operation to Free Katie

The operation for Abby’s freedom from exploitation and sexual slavery began with an in-depth conversation between our specialists at Saved in America and Katie’s mother. After this conversation, a few matters became crystal clear. One was that Katie was involved with not just one but several gangs. This type of crossover between rival gangs was previously unheard of, but we quickly discovered it is not that uncommon in cases of sexual exploitation. When Katie was dancing at the nightclub, her mom said she would leave the house for days and weeks at a time with no explanation as to her whereabouts. Katie also acquired sexually transmitted diseases during this time and was hostile towards her mother. 

Through data research, studying Katie’s Facebook page and other social media communications, it became apparent that Katie was provocative and had an involvement with these gangs that was sexual in nature. Her nickname given to her by the predators who took advantage of her was “Little K.” There was also evidence of communications between Katie and the go-go dance club owner along with proof that Katie was involved in illegal activity. It was during this research that we learned that Katie was on probation for a minor crime at the time. 


How Law Enforcement Helped Facilitate Katie’s Rescue

Once SIA learned that Katie had a Probation Officer she had to work closely with, we arranged a meeting between Katie, her mother and Katie’s Probation Officer. During this meeting, we at Saved in America worked with precision and expertise to secure the area and rescue Katie. This thankfully was a successful mission that occurred without incident. Following Katie’s rescue, she was transported to a rehabilitation facility where she was kept safe from the predators who had harmed her and given the help she needed to heal. 


Why Remembering is So Important

Katie’s case will always remain one of our most impactful as it is the successful mission that has led to the subsequent recovery of nearly 300 other girls. It is this reason we look back on this day with pride and can only anticipate how many additional girls Saved in America will be able to help in another ten years’ time.