Modern Mission


In other countries where life is seemingly harder, slavery is often a way of life just to keep food on the table and clothes on the back. In America, it is more than a way to make a little money, it is a way to make a fortune, literally off the backs of the most innocent among us, our children. Human trafficking, known as modern-day slavery grooms children to leave their families or support systems and trust predators who only seek to do them harm. They don’t realize— in many cases— what they are getting themselves into until it is too late and they have already been victimized by the industry so badly they fear ever trying to leave on their own. Thankfully, Saved in America is on hand and fighting against these evils in their own modern-day mission field to protect the innocence of American children.

Pastor Joseph Travers

Joseph Travers who has experience within the law enforcement arena as well as other specialty skills is also a pastor who believes everyone has a mission, a purpose to fulfill to serve God. It was after his retirement from law enforcement when Pastor Travers felt called to help within the human trafficking industry in a way that had never been attempted before within America’s borders, helping track down and find kids who were being exploited by the industry and returning them to their families, all free of charge. He felt personally called as part of his Christian faith to protect the least of these and to answer the command of God of who will go and fight the good fight against evil. Isaiah 6:8

It’s More Than a Rescue

Thankfully, Saved in America doesn’t leave kids where they find them so to speak after a rescue. They instead ensure that they are in a safe housing situation and have the help they need to recover. Being victimized by the human trafficking industry is a traumatic experience that will have long-lasting consequences on a young life even in the best of circumstances. Therefore, it's immensely important for anyone who has been lured in by this evil industry to get help in the physical and emotional as well as spiritual realms. Thankfully, Saved in America— through the donations and support of the community— are able to do just that and fulfill a needed mission on the homefront. 

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