Open Borders Aid Cartels


As outlined by our own Joseph Travers—co-founder of Saved In America—in an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, an unsecured United States/Mexico border is serving to endanger American children by aiding Mexican drug cartels who are engaged in child sex trafficking. This horrifying reality has contributed to what was once considered unimaginable statistics. In fact, according to Travers, “The second-largest child sex-trafficking corridor sector is San Diego County because the largest drug trafficking corridor is San Diego County. Texas is number one for human trafficking.”

Securing The Border is a Humanitarian Need

During the interview, host Alex Marlow proceeded to push the issue further and asked Travers if a secure border was in fact a humanitarian need, due to the fact that it is necessary to keep children safe. Travers' response was an emphatic “Absolutely, one hundred percent.” 


What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking, which is a broad term that includes child sex trafficking, is a criminal enterprise dominated by transnational drug cartels, gangs and prison gangs. Travers explains that Saved In America was vital in recovering a 14-year-old American girl who had been abducted and smuggled into Mexico by a Mexican gang member. This kidnapping was initiated by a Mexican mafia member with gang affiliation. The 14-year-old was approached and groomed through social networking, which is a common tool used by predators for this purpose. This particular case is an example of the dangers that are threatening American children, due to borders that are not monitored as rigidly as they should be, which is a result of various reasons, including political agendas. Every family in America should realize the danger that exists every second that our borders remain open. 


Saved In America is in Favor of a More Secure Border

As the founder of Saved In America, an organization solely devoted to the rescue of children, whether they are kidnapped or enticed into the sex trade industry, Travers is well aware of the dangers that exist with an open border. Though America is a welcoming nation, by allowing entrance illegally, in many cases, this only makes it easier for those who seek to do harm to succeed. Therefore, it is necessary in order to stop crime, drug trafficking and the sex trade industry from continuing to grow, for the border to be more secure than it is presently and continue to be improved through increased efforts and attention. #ChildSavedNotSold

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