Fight Trafficking

Although some think of human trafficking or slavery as a problem only third-world countries experience, the human trafficking industry is sadly thriving right here in our beloved United States of America. The sad reality is that millions of men, women, and children are kidnapped, coerced, lured away or deceived each year around the globe, causing them to leave the safety of home and forcing them into some sort of forced labor of sexual exploitation. 

Human Trafficking in The United States

Though we reside in the greatest nation in the entire world, we are not immune from the human trafficking plight that plagues the globe. Thankfully, many agencies are fighting against such horrors and are combating the human trafficking epidemic within our borders. The federal government has even created a parent body for these agencies called the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. This cabinet-level committee now controls several of the activities of the other departments and agencies that battle human trafficking across the country.


What About Non-Government Agencies?

Unfortunately, the problem of human trafficking as it exists in America is too formidable for any organization to fight alone. Although the presidential task force is welcome and provides a great service to the nation, they alone are woefully incapable of truly eradicating the problem. To get on top of the issue, it takes many non-governmental agencies like Saved In America to join in the fight. Our organization is made up of retired police officers, special operators and U.S. Navy SEALs. We have committed our vast knowledge and resources towards the task of finding all those who are missing, exploited or kidnapped. 

The Difference Saved In America Has Made

Thankfully, our organization has led the way in fighting organized human trafficking by assisting the recovery of more than 250 children nationwide from this horrendous existence. Our team of former professionals, current volunteers and current licensed and insured private investigators have followed leads, examined data and found and recovered children. It will take even more volunteers and resources to continue the fight against this evil that is thriving in our nation. Though there have been many who have valiantly fought against the horrors of slavery, the problem still remains even in today’s modern era. Therefore, the need is very real for organizations like Saved In America to continue to fight for vulnerable victims of these heinous crimes. #ChildSavedNotSold  

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