The harsh reality as it exists in America today would shock many people. When it comes to human trafficking, there are victims everywhere, not just in third-world countries. This doesn't just affect immigrants, and it doesn’t involve only children who have been neglected and abused. Yes, the risk of a child falling victim to the human trafficking industry is greater when they are already in a bad situation. However, the facts show that even kids from good homes with parents who care about their well-being can become victims.  

What Are The Facts?

As previously mentioned, the facts or statistics surrounding human trafficking or sex trafficking globally and within the United States are simply astounding. Yearly, it is estimated that some 2 million children are victimized by this horrific industry on a global scale. The number within America itself stands at over 300,000. Of that number, sadly, only around 2% of them are rescued from the industry. The others are lost forever. Thankfully, in addition to the factual data shared about the bad news regarding human trafficking, because of Saved in America’s efforts, there is some good news. Thanks to this organization, over 270 girls have been rescued since its first rescue was performed back in 2014. 

What This Means

The sad reality is that human trafficking exists and is growing, even within our own beloved United States. This means that more now than ever organizations like ours at Saved in America are necessary to ensure that children are saved not sold. Thankfully, we proudly offer our services free of charge, so it is immensely important for those who care about such things to give to SIA to ensure that its good works can continue. Keep in mind that SIA continues to provide help for victims even after they have been rescued from their situation. Victims are offered safe housing help as well as help as it relates to overcoming their traumatic experience through rehabilitation. SIA is also passionate about offering help to families to see the criminals responsible for their child’s experience put behind bars for as long as possible. Therefore, if you are looking for a worthwhile organization to give to, where you will know your money will be doing good to the least of these, consider supporting Saved in America. 

Brandie P