Embody the Mission


Building a Culture of Care: How Joshua Travers Embodies Saved in America’s Mission

At Saved in America, our commitment extends beyond rescuing children from the clutches of exploitation. We strive to build a culture of care within the communities we serve, fostering a sense of belonging, safety, and mentorship for all. One of the most heartwarming examples of this commitment can be seen in the actions of our Law Enforcement Liaison and Case Manager, Joshua Travers.

Saved in America Case Manager and Law Enforcement Liaison, Joshua Travers helps fix local boy's bicycle 

Beyond the Call of Duty

Joshua's role is not just about coordinating with law enforcement or managing complex cases; it's about being a beacon of support and guidance for those who need it most. Recently, Joshua encountered a young boy in the community—a boy who was struggling to navigate the challenges of growing up. One of those challenges was something as simple yet significant as fixing his bicycle.

A Mentor’s Impact

For many, a bike is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a symbol of freedom, independence, and childhood joy. But for this boy, his bike was in disrepair, and without the means or knowledge to fix it, that freedom was slipping away.

The Heart of Our Mission

Joshua stepped in, not as a case manager, but as a mentor and friend. He placed an order and purchased the parts the boy needed to fix his bicycle. But Joshua didn’t stop there—he spent the afternoon teaching the boy how to repair his bike himself, turning what could have been a simple act of charity into an empowering lesson in self-reliance and skill-building.

Saved in America Case Manager and Law Enforcement Liaison, Joshua Travers helps fix local boy's bicycle 

Strengthening Communities Through Kindness

This act of kindness is a reflection of the very heart of Saved in America’s mission. We are not just here to locate and recover; we are here to uplift, guide, and strengthen the communities we serve. Joshua’s actions demonstrate that our mission goes beyond the high-stakes operations and into the everyday lives of those we encounter. By fostering connections, providing mentorship, and showing genuine care, we create a ripple effect of positivity and hope that touches every corner of the community.

The Power of Small Acts

At Saved in America, we believe that the strength of a community is measured by how well it takes care of its most vulnerable members. Joshua’s engagement with this young boy is just one example of how we live out that belief every day. We are proud to have team members like Joshua who embody our mission through their actions, showing that true service is rooted in compassion, respect, and a deep commitment to making the world a better place for everyone.

Saved in America Case Manager and Law Enforcement Liaison, Joshua Travers helps fix local boy's bicycle 

Join us in Our Mission

As we continue our work, stories like these remind us of the importance of community, mentorship, and the simple yet powerful acts of kindness that can change lives. We invite you to join us in this mission, whether through support, volunteering, or simply by spreading the word. Together, we can build a culture of care that empowers and uplifts every child, every day.

Karinna Zarate