
Human trafficking, which is referred to as modern-day slavery in America, often begins with a kidnapping of sorts, though it looks very different than you might expect. In years past, the dangers for children existed mostly in the shadows, down alleys and hiding among the aisles of stores where the bad guys would snatch a kid away from their parents while they were going about their lives. Today, modern kidnapping is a much more nuanced process. It actually involves multiple instances of contact between the victim and the predator as this criminal wears down their prey and actually convinces them in many cases to run away from the safety of home through the process of grooming.

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What is Grooming?

This process involves a predator slowly gaining the trust of the victim. It often begins online and involves deep conversations where the victim feels like they are being heard by someone, often for the first time ever in their lives. This relationship slowly moves the victim away from their family and friends and ensures they become dependent on the predator. It will eventually lead to actual contact and often involves the predator using something like drugs to hook their prey and get them “enslaved” to them in order to get their next fix. 

Some Parents Have no Idea

Some parents wake up one day to find their child missing with seemingly no clue or red flags indicating what was going on. Others know their child is prone to fall victim to such tactics or tends to have destructive, addictive habits. However, most parents simply have no clue how to help their child once they have been groomed by a predator and have fallen victim to their game. Once kids and their parents recognize what is happening, it is often too late as the pimp now has a hold on them through drug addiction or other forms of manipulation. They will often not even try to get out of their situation on their own, as they don’t know where to go to get help. 






Saved in America

Thankfully, the professionals who make up the team at SIA understand how these criminals work. They know how to track down and find kids who have gone missing and are suspected of being the victims of the sex trade industry. They can also often help the victims once they have been rescued to get the help they need to recover and live productive lives once again. 

Listen to one of our survivors as she and her mother explain the trauma she experienced.

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