Saved In America

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The overall mission of Saved in America is fairly straightforward: locate your child. This is all done by the group at no charge to families. Discover Magazine explains what Saved in America does, sharing that the group goes after missing and runaway children, who are one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of sexual exploitation. The nightmarish situation that these families find themselves in when their child goes missing is horrific and often the police simply can’t do much to find them since they have often run away of their own accord. Of course, this doesn’t mean they haven’t been coerced but simply that they weren’t kidnapped as in the traditional sense. Saved in America understands the way that these predators work, though, and realizes that kids are convinced to leave in many cases by grooming practices and other methods. 

The Help Doesn’t End with a Rescue

Even after Saved in America has tracked down and found a missing child and then communicated with law enforcement where they are located, so they can rescue them from the situation, that isn’t the end of this group’s services. SIA helps families get legal representation for a variety of issues, especially when sexual exploitation has occurred, as well as helps them get into safe housing and procure the therapy they need to live a healthy life once again. Many of these victims are addicted to drugs or have other issues that require immense help to get over the trauma they have experienced. 

They Help The Broader Community as Well

In addition to the free services given by Saved in America to the community in terms of helping find missing and exploited children, the group also provides much-needed assistance to high-risk juvenile shelters to help protect the kids that reside within from further exploitation by pimps and predators. Often this help comes in the form of security or surveillance services or other methods that keep the kids safe and find refuge in these homes. Saved in America is a non-profit organization that depends on generous donations and fundraisers to maintain its work in the community. They are meeting a very real need but cannot do it on their own as it takes many giving individuals who are willing to support this group and others like it.