Raising Awareness

The Junior League of San Diego hosted a march to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking in the region, according to this CBS 8 article. The march began at Sixth Avenue and Laurel Street in Balboa Park. As the group continued their march, experts were stationed to teach those in the crowd how to determine if a person was being held captive against their will, as well as other aspects related to identifying human trafficking. 

Awareness is Important Because it Impacts Everyone

While many might assume that human trafficking only affects unwanted children or those who are not legal citizens, even kids with families who love them can fall victim to this heinous crime. Rachel Scatizzi Thompson, who is the president of the Junior League of San Diego, said the following about human trafficking and the need for increased awareness:


“Human trafficking affects men, women, and children in San Diego at a rate that shocks many residents. At this rally, we’ll offer a glimpse into the stories of victims and empower participants with the knowledge they need to take a stand against this problem that remains hidden all too often.” 

How Bad is This Problem Within San Diego?

Human trafficking is thriving and growing stronger seemingly every day throughout the nation. San Diego happens to be one of the top 13 highest areas for trafficking in the entire nation. Thousands are victimized in this region yearly. In addition, according to reports, nearly 100% of San Diego high schools have reported some form of human trafficking happening even on school grounds. 

It’s an Immense Issue

Human trafficking is behind only drug trafficking in terms of being the largest underground crime growing in the region. It is popping up in nearly every location, even in those in which kids should be safe, such as school campuses. That sad reality is the reason behind the awareness march as only after the problem is acknowledged and understood can it be addressed and then fought back against. Thankfully, Saved in America is proudly standing up for missing kids and their families not only in the San Diego area but throughout the nation to get them out of these situations and back to safety. 

Brandie P