Ugly Truth

If I were to ask you what the average child who was victimized by the human trafficking industry behaved like, their home situation, or perhaps their socioeconomic status, you would likely answer wrong. While many assume it’s only “bad girls” who find themselves entrapped by the human trafficking industry, the ugly truth is this industry victimizes everyone. No demographic is not represented in the immense epidemic of human trafficking. Read on to learn the ugly truth about the human trafficking industry as it exists today throughout America and in San Diego County specifically: 

The Ugly Truth

When it comes to the truth, astoundingly, the average age a girl is victimized by the human trafficking industry within San Diego County is 16 years of age. Girls are seen by the gangs— who have taken over human trafficking— as a commodity that can be used over and over again, sold time and time again, which makes these gangs' money hand over fist. This means they are in no hurry to release their hold on their victims as they are seen merely as a means to an end. Saved in America is fighting back hard for the victims of the industry all over America, especially within San Diego County. Within San Diego alone, there are between 3,400 and 8,100 victims who are commercially exploited every year. This number is one that simply must be addressed. 

What Saved in America is Doing

While the problem is immense, the efforts of Saved in America to fight back for these victims are substantial. We are committed to fighting back against the horrors of the industry and finding the missing girls before they are victimized by human trafficking. The ugly truth is that any girl or boy can be victimized by this industry that cares nothing about them as a person. They are easily manipulated by highly skilled predators who are very good at convincing kids that they care. In some cases, these kids are in bad situations, so the perceived affection can be all they need to convince them to buy into the idea of running away and joining them. They unfortunately only realize too late that they have been tricked and are now a prisoner of their situation. Thankfully, SIA is doing all it can to fight back against this ugly truth.  

Brandie P