Veterans Day


Saved in America is made up of a team of professional volunteers who have military specialist training, law enforcement training/experience, or some form of both. Kirby Horrell, Master Chief Special Warfare Operator and former SEAL is one of our most qualified volunteers. He shared a message about the SEAL Ethos as a way to commemorate Veterans Day. 

The Navy SEAL Ethos

According to Kirby, the SEAL Ethos is basically a Bible for Navy SEALs. It is a mission statement, a code of conduct and a standard to meet at all times. It is an example of the way these elite professionals have conducted themselves and still continue to conduct themselves even today. A small portion of the SEAL Ethos highlights the reason that these special individuals who have been recognized as SEALs are truly set apart and unique:

“My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans, always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.” 

The Sacrifice of Service

While Kirby most certainly fulfilled this mission when he was an active SEAL in service to the military, he went on to give even once he was retired and living in America. He joined forces with other professionals at Saved in America to fight back against the terror on the home front home front that is human trafficking. Human trafficking is known as modern day slavery, and it is an evil that has grown at epidemic levels globally, even affecting the United States. 

Veterans Never Stop Serving

Kirby, as a veteran with an impressive military career, never stopped seeing himself as a servant of the people, a protector, one who fights for those who cannot protect themselves. Today, he and the other volunteers that make up the team at Saved in America are committed to serving a key role in continuing to protect girls at risk of being trafficked. Saved in America and Kirby know that veterans never truly stop serving and that's what makes celebrating Veterans Day with a look towards a new mission on the home front that much more meaningful. 

Brandie P