Epoch News


The Epoch Times is known for covering important topics that impact the lives of everyday Americans. Their story on Saved in America and how they are made up of retired Navy SEALs and police investigators who together are fighting for American teens and against them being sold into sex trafficking is one great example. The article begins by sharing the horrific situation so many families throughout America have experienced when their child goes missing. 

A Nightmare Come to Life

The article begins by sharing the story of a 16 year-old-girl who took out her bike to meet a friend on some random Friday afternoon. Nothing about this situation would cause alarm or would intricate the horrors that were about to unfold. However, her parents quickly realized something was very wrong when her time to return home came and went, and they were unable to locate her and no one knew where she was. Sadly, even after the police department got involved, the investigation came to a virtual standstill as it was believed to be a voluntary move by the child to run away from home. Thankfully, the parents contacted Saved in America and they came to the rescue.

About Saved in America

As outlined above, Saved in America is a group made up of highly skilled volunteers who have either had extensive law enforcement training and detective skills or who were in a specialty branch of the military like the Navy SEALs. This group of professionals give freely of their time and immense training with a mission to find the missing child before it's too late. They stand in the gap, providing a lifeline for parents who are desperate and to a police force that is undermanned, overtaxed and underfunded. 

The Outcome of This Case

The case of the missing 16-year-old was solved within a week of Saved in America getting involved. They tracked the teenager down and were able to oversee her rescue. Of course, while this is a good outcome, the experience was not without trauma and long-lasting consequences. Thankfully, SIA is working to educate parents on the risk of human trafficking and its immense growth within America's borders as well as help oversee as many rescues as possible when kids fall into the hands of this evil industry. While a perfect world would have no human trafficking, at least SIA is fighting back to make the world a better place, if not a perfect one. 

Brandie P