Breitbart News


According to an in-depth report posted on Breitbart News Daily, an unsecured United States/Mexico border is a significant problem when it comes to the growth of Mexican drug cartels' involvement in child sex trafficking. In this interview, Joseph Travers, founder of Saved in America, explains that open borders with unsecured regions of the southern border have now become sex-trafficking routes for bringing kids in and out of the country for this vile purpose. 

An Unsecure Border is a Humanitarian Crisis

Much more than a political issue, having a wide open border that is unsecured has created a crisis allowing traffickers free rein in San Diego County. In fact, according to Travers, “The second-largest child sex-trafficking corridor sector is San Diego County because the largest drug trafficking sector is San Diego County. Texas is number one.” 

Marlow, the interviewer, added, “So you're with me that a secure border is actually a humanitarian thing because it does keep kids safer?”

Travers answered, “Absolutely. One hundred percent.” 

A Case in Point

One such case highlights the dangers of this situation as it involved a 29-year-old gang member with Mexican mafia affiliations that got hold of a 14-year-old American girl through her social networking. He befriended this girl on the pretense of caring about her “problems.” He then lured her to come with him, claiming he could make her life better. One day, seemingly out of the blue, the 14-year-old went missing. The predator ended up piling her up with drugs and taking her across the border. Saved in America was able to coordinate her rescue on Mexican soil and the gang member is now serving a jail sentence. 

Evil Triad

The human trafficking industry is made up of three separate evil groups; street gangs, prison gangs, and drug cartels. There is not a gang member today that doesn’t also operate in human lives in the form of human trafficking. This immensely profitable crime has united these evil organizations and the open or unsecured borders have only added to the problem. Not only is it easier for individuals to get into our country and then proceed to participate in this crime, but it’s also easier to move kids across the border from one country to another to evade authorities who are looking for these kids. 

Brandie P