Parent Testimony

In this parent testimony, we hear the story lived out by a mom when the human trafficking industry victimized her 16-year-old daughter Lindsay. What started innocently enough, with Lindsay asking permission to visit a friend, quickly turned into a nightmarish situation that would likely haunt the entire family for decades. 

What Happened?

Instead of going to see a friend like she told her mother, Lindsay ended up with another girl who herself was part of the sex trafficking industry or at least used to be and was now in a restoration center. At any rate, the result was both girls falling victim to this horrendous industry and seemingly disappearing without a trace. Multiple law enforcement agencies and even a family-hired private investigator were looking for Lindsay throughout several counties. Unfortunately, they were making little progress when the family was encouraged to get Saved in America involved in the case.

It was Resolved

After SIA was brought into the picture, they put their team of professionals on the job. This team, made up of former law enforcement officers and military specialists, also included a team of cyber experts. These experts employed their skills to create a Facebook presence and begin the cyber search for Lindsay. Thankfully, merely 10 days after they got involved, SIA figured out where the girl was and then worked with the law enforcement agency in that area to go in and rescue the girl.

The Rescue Wasn’t The End

Although there was a happy ending in this case, the rescue didn’t represent the end of this family’s struggle. In fact, according to Lindsay’s mom, her daughter was forever changed by what she experienced within the human trafficking ring. Thankfully, SIA helped her family get her into a rehabilitation center that addressed the issues that she will likely deal with for the rest of her life due to the trauma she experienced while keeping her safe. Lindsay’s mom said that she no longer wants to spend time with her family and is a much more closed-off person than she was before her experience. Hopefully, with time and the right kind of help, Lindsay will be fully restored once again, with perhaps a little more wisdom and healthy trepidation. 

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