Darrell Mansfield

Known as a pioneer in Christian rock as well as being a member of the Blues Hall of Fame as well as the Harmonica Hall of Fame, Darrell Mansefild has appeared on Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, and with Raphael Saddiq. He has toured with notable artists such as Jon Bon Jovi, Lover Boy, Adam Ant, and even Billy Idol. He is known in the industry as the virtuoso because he is a talented musicianary. Suffice to say that is a notable artist who is worthy of admiration for many of his accomplishments, not the least of which is the song he wrote, performed, and then released to raise awareness for human trafficking. 

The Song Tells a Story

When listening to the song written and performed by Darrell Mansfield, the story is told that could be the story behind any number of missing girls who fall victim to the human trafficking industry. Within the haunting lyrics and blue’s inspired crescendos, come the real-life words from a girl’s own mouth about her real-life human trafficking story. Therefore, this song is more than a mere song and more like a story being told of the evils that happen behind closed doors. 

Many Girls Are Enticed with Hope of a Better Life

When it comes to human trafficking, many of the victims fall prey to this industry simply trying to find a better way of life. Not many people will actively seek out an arrangement that would see them become a slave without any reservation. Instead, they are lured and enticed into the industry with false promises, or they become addicted to drugs as part of the scheme and then need to do whatever is necessary to earn that next fix. Either way, they are slowly manipulated until they realize they are trapped often without realizing they were even in danger. The song by Darrell Mansfield communicates this process and the devastation it can have in the life of a young girl. 

Saved In America is Fighting Back

Thankfully, people like Darrell Mansfield and our own Saved In America organization are fighting back against these predators through many avenues, including increased awareness of the problem. Many simply aren’t aware that human trafficking is thriving even within America’s borders, so it’s necessary to educate the masses. One great way to do so is this excellent and heartfelt song so lovingly performed by hall of famer Darrell Mansfield. #ChildSavedNotSold

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