America Trends

Aimee Fuller’s show America Trends goes over various important topics. This particular show, explains the horrors of the human trafficking industry and goes over the case of Lindsey who went missing in January 2016, when she was just 15 years-old. At first, Lindsey’s parents assumed she must be staying with friends and simply didn’t let them in on her plans. However, after she didn’t return overnight and her parents had contacted all her friends with no results or leads, they began to realize the reality of what had happened to their daughter was likely much more sinister.

Parents Are Alone

In cases like Lindsey’s parents, facing the reality of what could have happened to their child, they felt isolated and alone. Founder of Saved In America Joseph Travers explains that many parents in this situation reach out to them in a panicked state, not knowing what else to do or where else to turn. In many of these cases, the police have done all they can do and simply don’t have the manpower necessary or the resources available to adequately fight back against the evils of the human trafficking industry. Parents are often tasked with the job of finding their child on their own, which is of course, where Saved In America comes onto the scene. 

Saved In America Stepping Up

Each assisted recovery achieved and overseen by Saved In America is unique and includes an individual child with their own family background, problems and challenges. No two cases are exactly alike as no two children are exactly alike. That is what makes the work Saved In America does so great and unique; they utilize volunteers with specialized training in surveillance, special ops, and more to work on behalf of these kids to find them and assist in the recovery from the predators who seek to do harm. This means that parents like Lindsey’s family are no longer forced to fight the evils of the industry alone, instead, they have a whole team of professionals who are willing, able, and highly trained to step in and do the job for them, all free of charge. #ChildSavedNotSold

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