Saved In America

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This heart-wrenching story of 14-year-old Emmy by NBC Nightly News features the behind-the-scenes reality of this case. Young Emmy ran away from home and her parents were of course heartbroken as they await the rescue and return of their beloved daughter. They tell the story and show the reporter her room and her light that will remain on until she returns to her room, home safe and sound. 


Troubled History

Many kids who end up becoming victims of the sex trafficking industry are just like Emmy, they struggle with problems like mental health issues and tend to run away over and over. Many others, though not necessarily in this case, are from abusive situations in which they are trying to escape. These kids turn to the traffickers who are highly skilled at playing the role of a friend, trapping these kids in the industry before they even realize what has happened. 

Emmy’s Parents Got Saved In America Involved

After Emmy’s parents sought help from law enforcement to find their missing child, they were met with a shut door. Police officers tried but were unable to find any new leads or any indications of where missing Emmy might be located. Her parents wisely sought out the help of our own Joseph Travers, founder of Saved In America. He took the case and began studying Emmy’s social media habits and compiling data through various means including surveillance that helped to paint a picture of where she could now be located. 


News Story Follows Saved In America’s Efforts

The team at Saved In America began to search for Emmy, hitting the streets and eventually discovered a probable pimp that could have been involved in her disappearance. Emmy wasn’t rescued the day of the news story but was rescued three weeks later when she was able to access a cell phone and contacted her sister for help. Cases like Emmy’s are what keep the volunteers finding these kids before they can become the victims of sex trafficking. Emmy’s case turned out well, but sometimes, parents aren’t as lucky. Thankfully, our team at Saved In America is here and ready to fight for these kids and to find each and every one of them, leaving no one behind. #ChildSavedNotSold