End Human Trafficking


As defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” This heartbreaking crime is on the rise nationwide and worldwide with violent criminals playing their part to victimize and dehumanize innocent victims. 

What is the Average Age of Human Trafficking Victims?

Although individuals can fall prey to human trafficking at virtually any age, the most common age for newly exploited victims is a mere 15 years old. This makes them easy targets for highly skilled and immensely dangerous enforcers, recruiters, pimps and pedophiles to exploit them. As a result, one in every seven runaways becomes a victim of sex trafficking. 

How Profitable is Human Trafficking And How Widespread is The Problem?

Organized child trafficking rings can easily make upwards of $100,000 off each child, annually. Consequently, the sex trafficking market is the second-largest in the nation, second only to drug trafficking. Even more problematic is the fact that San Diego County is the second-largest region in the United States for sex trafficking, coming in behind the state of Texas. Astoundingly, there is at least one recruiter or trafficker currently operating on every single middle school and high school campus throughout San Diego County.


Is The Situation Hopeless?

While it might seem fighting the battle against the evils of human trafficking is hopeless, that is thankfully not the case. In reality there is much hope of a better future thanks to the efforts of organizations like Saved In America. The good guys are fighting back and stepping up to protect the most vulnerable in our society, our children. The stakes for success shouldn’t be higher. We must prevail and continue assisting in the recovery of children nationwide. Our efforts are made possible only through donations and the volunteer efforts of highly skilled professionals who are committed to ending this horrific crime.  #ChildSavedNotSold

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