The Lars Larson Show


On an appearance on the Lars Larson Show, Joseph Travers, founder of Saved In America shared what our organization does for lost and exploited children. The conversation began by talking about an operation completed in Las Vegas. Travers shared with the host that this is the third time the groups have come together to collaborate and share their resources to find a child. Unfortunately, they were unable to get eyes on the missing child but did ascertain a great deal of information that the organization will use to continue its investigation and eventual rescue of the child. All intelligence and information is handed over to Law Enforcement to continue further investigation.  

What is Saved In America?

Our organization, Saved In America is based in San Diego, California and is made up of former police officers and military specialists who put their immense skill and knowledge base to work by finding and recovering missing children. To date, SIA has successfully recovered more than 250 children nationwide from the horrors of the sex trafficking industry. 

The Importance of Finding Missing Kids

Typically, it’s a five-day process on average from when a family approaches Saved In America and when some actionable intelligence is discovered or a rescue is underway. Although the organization was founded to fight against sex trafficking, Saved In America would prefer to rescue kids before they become victims of the sex trafficking industry, when they are merely runaways or missing. According to statistics, approximately 30% of all runaway and missing children end up as victims of sex trafficking. Therefore, it’s important to find missing children quickly before they become victims. In 60% of Saved In America’s recovery cases, children were thankfully found before they became victims of sex trafficking. The other 40% of Saved In America’s cases were rescued from their human trafficking captures. One successful case took around three months and spanned nearly the entire country before our organization found the missing girl and rescued her from her captors.

Race Against Time

When a parent discovers their child is missing, it becomes a race against time, trying to keep them from becoming easy prey for a skilled human trafficker. Our organization is often contacted by such parents or guardians and our investigation begins in earnest from there.  No money changes hands as we are a completely voluntary organization. Once we have actionable intelligence, we work with law enforcement officers to complete the actual recovery of the child. It is a race against time for us to find these kids before the bad guys. #ChildSavedNotSold 

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