Saved In America

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Pastor. Investigator. Hero.

Recently, Saved in America’s Founder, Joseph Travers, was featured in Shoutout LA Magazine.

In a world where darkness sometimes overshadows light, there are those who stand as beacons of hope, tirelessly working to restore what has been lost. Joseph Travers is one such individual, a pastor, and the founder of Saved in America, whose dedication to finding missing and exploited children has brought solace to hundreds of families.

Travers' journey into this noble cause began with a realization – that there were children out there, vulnerable and in danger, who needed someone to fight for them. Armed with a deep sense of compassion and a fervent belief in justice, he embarked on a mission to make a difference.

The Shoutout LA article sheds light on Travers' multifaceted role as a pastor and investigator. Through Saved in America, he has provided support to families in distress often in collaboration with law enforcement agencies to locate missing children and bring perpetrators to justice. His work extends beyond mere investigation; it's about providing resources, advocating for the voiceless, and striving to create a safer world for all children.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Travers' story is his unwavering commitment, despite the challenges he faces. From navigating bureaucratic hurdles to dealing with the emotional toll of the cases he handles, he remains resolute in his mission. His faith serves as both a source of strength and a guiding light, sustaining him through the darkest of times.

Although heroes often go unnoticed, Joseph Travers stands as a testament to the power of compassion and determination. Through his tireless efforts, he has not only brought hope to those in despair but has also inspired others to join him in the fight for a safer, brighter tomorrow.

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Support Saved in America by purchasing one of Joseph Travers’ books and study guide for the Certified Missing and Exploited Children Investigator (CMECI) exam: Investigation of Missing and Exploited Children: The Gateway to Child Sex Trafficking, Fourth Edition

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