Street Cop

Saved in America at the Street Cop Conference: A Spotlight on Our Mission


We are proud to share that our founder, Joseph Travers, and our Law Enforcement Liaison, Joshua Travers, recently attended the prestigious Street Cop Conference in Orlando, Florida. This event brought together thousands of law enforcement leaders from across the country, providing a unique platform for Joseph and Joshua to highlight the critical work of Saved in America.

Joseph Travers, a dedicated advocate against child sex trafficking, founded Saved in America with a mission to investigate and locate missing and exploited or runaway children. Under his leadership, our team of volunteer retired Navy SEALs, military special operators, and retired law enforcement officers, now licensed and insured private investigators, has made a significant impact in recovering countless children and bringing them to safety.

At the conference, Joseph shared the inspiring journey of Saved in America, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between law enforcement agencies and nonprofit organizations. He highlighted the innovative strategies and rigorous investigations that have been pivotal in our operations. Joseph's message was clear: the fight against child sex trafficking requires unity, dedication, and relentless effort.

Joshua Travers, our Law Enforcement Liaison, played a crucial role in bridging the gap between Saved in America and various law enforcement agencies. His experience and insight into the intricacies of law enforcement protocols have been invaluable in ensuring seamless cooperation during recovery missions.

Their presentations resonated deeply with the audience, as they underscored the real-world challenges and successes of our mission. Joseph and Joshua's commitment to saving children and their ability to inspire others to join the cause left a lasting impression on all attendees.

The Street Cop Conference was not only an opportunity to share our story but also to learn from other law enforcement leaders and experts. It reinforced our belief that collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential in our fight against child sex trafficking.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the conference and showed their support. Together, we can continue to make a difference and ensure a safer future for our children.

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