Saved In America

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Meet Joseph Travers

Meet Joseph Travers: Champion Against Child Trafficking

Joseph Travers, the founder of Saved in America, is featured in a Bold Journey article highlighting his dedication to combating child sex trafficking. Travers, a retired law enforcement officer, established Saved in America to locate missing and exploited children. The organization, comprised of retired Navy SEALs and law enforcement professionals, has successfully located and recovered numerous children. Joseph's story is one of relentless commitment to protecting the vulnerable and fostering collaboration between law enforcement and nonprofit organizations.

In the article, Joseph Travers recounts the inspiration behind founding Saved in America. After witnessing the devastating effects of child trafficking, he was compelled to take action. The organization leverages the skills of retired military and law enforcement professionals to locate and recover missing children, often working in tandem with local police. Travers discusses the challenges faced by his team, such as navigating jurisdictional boundaries and ensuring the safety of all involved.

Travers also emphasizes the importance of community awareness and education in combating child trafficking. He believes that by informing the public and fostering a collaborative approach between nonprofits and law enforcement, significant strides can be made in protecting vulnerable children. The article highlights several success stories, showcasing the impactful work of Saved in America and the profound difference they are making in the lives of children and their families. For more details, you can read the full article here.

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