Saved In America

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Village News

Joseph Travers, the founder of our beloved organization, Saved in America, met with reporters from Village News to create a piece about the way that this organization is helping to rescue America’s runaways from sex trafficking. In the piece, he begins by sharing something that should make every parent stop and pay attention as it is that important. He said, “If you’re a runway girl, you’re in extreme danger right away. Instantly.” 

The First 48 Hours

Travers explains throughout this piece that the first 48 hours after a kid goes missing is the most vital time. It is during this time that they can most often be found outside of human trafficking rings. After this time has passed, although it is not impossible to facilitate a rescue, it is much more challenging. Of course, in many missing person cases where the kid has disappeared, surveillance has to be done and a great deal of social media investigation to track movements and plans can take time. However, the earlier a family can bring a missing girl to the attention of the experts, like those with Saved in America, the better the outcome is likely to be overall. 

How Saved in America Can Help

When a girl disappears and is reported missing either by her parents, her foster family, or someone else, then the clock starts ticking. Will this be a happy ending, one that finds the girl reunited with her loved ones, given the help she needs to overcome the trauma she has endured or will this be a case where things have gone way too far? Thankfully, when Saved in America gets involved and unleashes its arsenal of professional experts on a case, things get solved quickly, and the girls are rescued and brought back to safety. Of course, happy endings are the goal but even more than that, SIA would love to prevent children from going missing in the first place. This is possible through education and awareness of the issues that surround human trafficking as well as working to improve legislation to keep predators behind bars from sex crimes and off the streets for as long as possible. Saved in America is a nonprofit organization that depends on generous donations to be able to find missing kids. Consider giving today!