Saved In America

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KUSI-News on KUSI-TV presented a segment outlining what Saved in America has been able to accomplish in San Diego County and throughout the nation. The reporter interviewed our founder Joseph Travers who eloquently addressed the issue of human trafficking, or sex trafficking, in the county and throughout the nation. He also explained how SIA has worked to counteract these horrifying statistics and offer a ray of hope in an otherwise seemingly dire situation. 

Runaways are Most At Risk

As part of the interview, Travers explains that runaway girls are the most at risk of becoming the unfortunate victims of human trafficking. In fact, according to their research, an astounding 60% of runaways will be approached by a sex trafficking ring in some capacity within the first 48 hours after they run away. Thankfully, only around 40% of those who run away are captured and imprisoned in a sex trafficking ring. However, even that number represents too many innocent children who are falling victim to these heinous crimes. 

The Team is Fighting Back

Thankfully, Saved in America is made up of a team of professional volunteers, some with military expertise, others with experience working with gangs in law enforcement, and others who have highly specialized skills that they can use in the reconnaissance work needed to track down and find a missing child before they are sold into slavery. All these selfless individuals, who have been highly trained, willingly give their time and expertise all free of charge.

How is the Cost Covered?

Unfortunately, even though the licensed private investigators who make up the team of volunteers working these cases through SIA are doing so without compensation, there is still a cost associated with every single rescue. It takes computers and equipment that is capable of helping the volunteers find the missing girls. There are also travel expenses to consider, and many other needs associated with the rescue and recovery of each victim. That is why it is necessary for Saved in America to hold fundraisers that are designed to raise money so that no family is charged for the help they offer. This episode also talks about the first annual fundraiser event and why it is so necessary to support SIA to see more girls saved.