Saved In America

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Saved in America

This content posted by Saved in America is a look behind the scenes at the “why”  behind why SIA works so hard to rescue girls from the human trafficking industry. It is worth watching in its entirety and worth sharing with others who may not be aware of the problem as it exists in America today. The quote from Edmund Burke that says “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” could easily be the mission statement of Saved in America. However, unlike the people described in this adage, they do so much, and continue to do so, to see evil stopped. 

Saved in America: Heroes for The Hopeless

The team that makes up the specialists of SIA are all licensed private investigators who have former training in law enforcement, military specialties, or both. They have come together to search for missing kids who are at risk of falling into human trafficking rings. This is a huge problem in America and is growing at epidemic levels. Gangs are also involved as they have discovered the profit they can make off young girls who are seen by them as mere commodities to be sold time and time again. This has led to an explosion within the industry as more and more criminals are cashing in on humans as renewable and resellable commodities.

Why Help is Necessary

Because this crime is growing in leaps and bounds all across the nation, police departments are overwhelmed. They simply do not have the necessary resources to track down and find missing kids, especially not before human traffickers can do the same. Therefore, SIA is a volunteer, non-profit group that uses the skills of the individuals who make up their team to find these missing kids and then direct law enforcement on where they can be found. The team at SIA holds back while local law enforcement goes in and rescues the girl. SIA also follows up and gets the victim's help after enduring the ordeal they have been through. This traumatic situation can have devastating consequences for the rest of a young person’s life if they don’t get the rehabilitation they need. Thankfully, along with the surveillance and reconnaissance work that SIA gracefully gives free of charge, they also ensure that these victims get the mental, spiritual, and emotional help they need to recover.