Title 42

Title 42 is an emergency immigration restriction that was put in place to reduce the amount of immigrants coming across the border during the Pandemic. Since that time, it has been used by both President Donald Trump and Joe Biden as a way to keep hundreds of thousands of migrants from crossing the borders, citing the spread of the virus as the reason for the crossing limitation. Title 42 is set to expire in the upcoming days and already there is a prediction of mass chaos at the border due to the images from the border that are already coming out. 

What’s The Plan?

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, upon President Biden’s request, agreed to send 1,500 US troops to the Mexican border to serve as extra manpower for when Title 42 expires. According to footage captured by Fox News, there is a massive line forming at the US border, with 2,000 migrants entering each day. Officials expect the numbers to soar to as many as 14,000. Alejandro Mayorkas, the US Homeland Security Secretary said that authorities are facing “extremely challenging” circumstances. He went on to say “The situation at the border is a very serious one, a very challenging one, and a very difficult one.” 

What All This Could Mean For Human Trafficking

While this immigration restriction and the fact that it is about to expire is primarily about immigrants coming across the borders in an increased number, it can also increase human trafficking as it will give predators, gangs, and the like more access to victims. As more and more people stream across the border, the human trafficking numbers are likely to skyrocket with the influx of more and more people. It will be a challenging situation to oversee, that much is certain. 

Saved in America 

Saved in America is committed to creating increased awareness about human trafficking within American borders. The security of the borders is a key component of this as predators use the open or lax borders to access victims. Therefore, the more chaotic the borders, the more potential victims exist for human trafficking. Saved in America is a volunteer organization that has rescued over 260 girls from the industry. They are based in San Diego but have orchestrated rescues from all over the nation. Their volunteers are made up of former law enforcement officers and military specialists who give freely of their time to help fight against the horrors of the industry. 

Brandie P