Silver Star

As the official monthly publication of the Deputy Sheriff's Association, The Silver Star Magazine is a trusted resource of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association of San Diego County. This publication highlights great works, officer accomplishments, and worthy organizations that together make San Diego a better place to live and work. To be mentioned in a publication like this one is a high honor. This is the honor that was bestowed on Saved in America when our own organization was highlighted among its pages. 

Our Mission: Locate. Your Child

As part of the appearance in this publication, our mission, which is to locate your child, was outlined. Our organization provides our professional expertise free of charge to families who are desperately trying to find their missing child. This is to help police departments who are overwhelmed by the growing instances of human trafficking and the new way the crime is committed, which makes tracking down and finding missing kids who have been lured into this industry extremely time-consuming and demanding of manpower and resources. 

Today’s Industry

Today’s human trafficking industry works through the cohesive working of three main criminal entities, those being the drug cartels, the street gangs, and the prison gang. This triad of evil comes together to exploit the renewable commodity of kids who are then sold time and time again into the human trafficking industry. This heinous crime is difficult to prevent, and it’s hard to find kids once they are in the industry. Even when they are rescued, many will choose to go back into the industry since they are in essence brainwashed as part of the grooming process. 

It Takes More Than Orchestrating a Rescue

While tracking down and devising a plan of rescue for girls who are victimized by the human trafficking industry is immensely important, it’s just as important to get them the help they need to heal, recover and hopefully prevent them from becoming victims of the industry again in the future after their rescue. Thankfully, Saved in America works diligently to ensure that all the kids who are rescued by their organization have access to the help they need to get out of the industry for good. This also is done for families at no charge and made possible by donations to Saved in America. 

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