Saved In America

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Paul Foley

Paul Foley once had to use the services of SIA himself when his daughter went missing from foster care for an agonizing eight weeks. She was only 14 years old when she first ran away. She eventually ran away eight times while she was in the system. With her history of running away, Paul knew that the police would be able to do very little to find his daughter. As in the previous times, he knew that finding her, wherever she might be, would likely be up to him and his family. Unfortunately, this time, it seemed his daughter had gone dark, meaning there were no traces of activity on social media or among her friend group. 

Saved in America Entered the Picture

Paul was told by a friend that he should contact SIA to help find his daughter when their normal methods of tracking her down were simply not working. He was hesitant simply because he heard the group was primarily focused on recovering kids from sex trafficking, and he didn’t even want to entertain the possibility that this could be a possibility with his daughter. However, he was desperate and needed someone to help. After Joseph was contacted, a plan was put into action and each day, there was work going on to try to find Paul’s daughter. After eight weeks, SIA and the police department were finally able to find Paul’s daughter. 

It is an Ongoing Recovery

Even after SIA successfully rescued Paul’s daughter, she ran away again and again. Thankfully, though, she returned on her own. Paul explains in his testimonial that recovery doesn’t happen all at once. It didn’t instantly take place when his daughter was found. She didn’t become fine again without any repercussions. Instead, her life is a fight. She must fight daily through counseling and other recovery means to get into a healthy mental and physical space where she understands her value. 

Hope Was so Important

Paul explained that throughout that agonizing eight weeks when he didn’t know where his daughter was Saved in America gave him hope. Even when nothing seemed to be changing, when information still wasn’t leading to results, he knew that they were working tirelessly to find his daughter, and knowing that gave him hope daily to keep going, to keep working, to keep searching because he saw light at the end of the tunnel.