Homeland Security

A Homeland Security article outlined the perils of human trafficking and the reality of it even within the borders of the United States of America. This article also explained the work that Saved in America and its team is doing to fight back against these evils. Human trafficking is a horrible evil that exists in virtually every country across the globe, even within the most prosperous nation, America. 

It Impacts Millions

Throughout the globe, millions of men, women, and children are negatively impacted by the existence of human trafficking rings. This is referred to by many as modern day slavery. Today, we might not have the auction stands that were present in the past, nor is the mainstream media okay or approving of enslaving humans. However, even so, evil not only exists in America, but it is thriving and enslaving millions of innocent people across the globe on a daily basis. 

Federal Agencies Working Against Evil

Thankfully, America is meeting the challenge of fighting back against human trafficking in several ways. There is the federal level where the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons is working. This cabinet-level committee controls the activities of several other agencies and departments throughout the nation as they battle human trafficking. This shows the immense scope of the problem as, even on a federal level, it is deemed to be an issue worth fighting against. 

Non-Government Agencies

Of course, in addition to the committees and work being done on the federal level, a problem this immense needs more than government agencies at the helm. This is where groups like our own at Saved in America come into the picture. Our group provides free services for families with missing or exploited children, in an attempt to keep trafficking rings from growing within the United States. In addition, Saved in America works with safe houses to provide security and also helps victims of this crime get the help they need to recover once they are out of their dangerous situation. This is a multi-faceted approach, with government agencies on the federal level and then locally, as well as non-government or private agencies coming together to create a united front against the horrors of the industry. Only when all these groups work together towards a common goal can good prevail and evil be conquered. 

Brandie P