Saved In America

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America Trends II

As the second part of Joseph Travers' appearance on America Trend, Aimee Fuller continues her conversation with Travers about Saved in America and much more. This conversation is worth listening to in its entirety as well as the previous episode, as there is a great deal of information about Saved in America that is worth knowing and sharing with others. 

Knowing What Kids Are Doing

As part of the talk with Aimee, Travers explains the importance for parents to know what their children are doing at all times. He explains that often parents face the reality that their child has run away from home without having any idea where they might have gone. This is because the human trafficking industry utilizes social media networks to access kids and groom them, convincing them to run away from their home and its safety. Therefore, he advises parents to have some sort of phone application that will help them track their child’s online activity. This might seem like an invasion of privacy, but it literally could be the difference between a child falling victim to the horrors of the human trafficking industry and a child remaining safe and secure in their homes. 

Saved in America Works for Those With no Families

As the conversation continued between Travers and Aimee, Travers explained that although some trafficking victims are from seemingly healthy families, most are from the foster system and have no parents to speak of, no one to check on them or see what they are doing online or who they are spending time with. Saved in America is working to find these missing kids too, the ones that don’t have advocates contacting them for their services. They find out about these cases from missing child reports through law enforcement. These kids, more than any others, are in need of the continued work offered by Saved in America.

The Mobile Command Center

As this episode wrapped up, the introduction of the Mobile Command Center into the work that SIA is doing was outlined. This RV, which is outfitted as a place to house electronics and volunteers working on cases, allows the group to be more mobile. As a result, there are plans in the works to travel to the next Super Bowl in order to get boots on the ground fighting back against human trafficking in a location in which it is known to take place in immense numbers.