Saved In America

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KFDI Radio

KFDI radio, found at 101.3 on the dial has a unique way of honoring veterans and all they do as they continue to be heroes on the homefront. This segment is called the Star Spangled Salute and is just what it sounds like, a salute to all those who continue to give and serve in a specific way. Saved in America was awarded this coveted honor and given the “star spangled salute” on air to say “good job” to all the veterans saving kids who work tirelessly for no monetary compensation to fight back against human trafficking. 

Saved in America’s Work

Founded in 2014, Saved in America was created as a way to actively and effectively counteract human trafficking in America as well as rescue kids from its clutches. This volunteer, non-profit group is made up of volunteers with former professional experience in either special ops through the military or who served as detectives in law enforcement. This specific training allows the over 30 volunteers to track down and find missing kids, many times before they are taken into a human trafficking ring. SIA was founded by Joseph Travers, a former Navy operative and police detective. 

Thank You 

The veterans who make up the professional team at SIA have chosen to continue to give back even after their years of military service were over. This is especially helpful as their unique training makes them highly qualified to help find missing kids on the home front and their willingness to give of their time and effort is second to none. SIA could not do what it is able to do without the help of their veteran team. 

It’s Needed

Unfortunately, even though many Americans might not be aware, human trafficking is a huge problem even with the borders of the United States. This is no longer an evil that exists offshore but one that is very much threatening traditional American families and leaving devastation in its wake. This was the motivation behind creating an organization whose main focus is to help families find their missing children who have run away, as this is the most at-risk demographic for human trafficking. Thankfully, the group has rescued over 260 kids to date and enjoys a 100% success rating. This means every kid they have searched for, they have found. Again, a big thank you is most certainly deserved here!