Saved In America

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SIA Fight

Although it goes unacknowledged and underestimated by many, America is facing a crisis regarding human trafficking within this great land. Furthermore, child sex trafficking is the fastest-growing crime in all of America, with California being the #1 state for this type of abuse. Of the victims, three out of four are U.S. citizens. In addition, the problem has been compounded with more kids staying home and accessing material online, as the industry has increased its online exploitation efforts by 50%. 

What The Numbers Say

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children numbers state that they received 37,872 reports of online enticement within America throughout 2020. This number was up from 19,174 the previous year. Of those victimized, an astounding 98% said they did not know their online offender. In addition, there were 17,000 reports filed of sex trafficking. Keep in mind that of those reported missing or runaway, one in every six of those children became victims of human trafficking. These numbers paint a very bleak outlook for the future of America where the most vulnerable among us, our children are not being protected the way they deserve.

The Saved in America Fight

Thankfully, our own Saved in America is bringing the fight to the bad guys and helping families find their lost, missing, or exploited children. Many times they even find them before they become victims of this horrendous industry. The sheer amount of runaways and missing kids creates a problem for police departments in that they cannot hope to stay on top of all of them and track down each child. That is where SIA comes into the picture and serves as a liaison for the parents, working with law enforcement to do the extensive research necessary to track down and rescue a child who has become entrapped by the industry. All of this is amazingly done free of charge and is only possible thanks to generous donors, fundraising events, and the selfless work of many highly skilled professionals. If you give towards the continuation of this important work, you too can join in the mission to save every child trapped in the human trafficking industry.