Saved In America

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Making a Difference

The founder of our organization Saved in America, Pastor Joseph Travers, explains via an article in San Diego Veterans Magazine what led him to begin the organization and how veterans can use their skills to help find kids. Travers explains that he heard about the efforts of some highly skilled veterans in an article entitled “Retired Terror Hunters Hope to End Child Sex Slavery.” The article explained how veterans were using their immense knowledge and specialty skills to find missing children, sold into the sex industry in foreign countries. 

Realizing The Problem is Right Here at Home

After reading about the noble efforts of these veterans, Travers read about a stateside case when he learned of missing 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel. As a former police detective and current private investigator, Travers knew the disheartening and grim statistics as it related to human trafficking within the United States. He thought why not do something similar to the veterans’ group overseas, but instead of going outside our country, work to free kids right in our own backyard? This was the impetus of our organization, Saved In America and led to the rescue of the first child in 2014. 


A Bit More About Saved In America

Since inception, Saved In America has been responsible for assisting in the recovery of more than 260 children nationwide and hope to keep that number growing. Just like the veterans’ group that was committed to helping foreign kids escape modern-day slavery, Saved In America helps those in America escape the same fate, aided by the efforts of many professional volunteers including former police officers and military specialists. In fact, SIA utilizes the skills of more than 30 licensed and insured Private Investigators. 

What About The Cost?

Saved In America never charges a family for services and instead offers expertise free of charge, along with aiding law enforcement in the recovery . This voluntary effort means we don’t turn any family away who is in need of help in finding their lost child. In addition, SIA has shared knowledge on how predators groom young girls for the industry with several other professional organizations within America’s borders to hopefully add to collectively save children from the sex trafficking industry. #ChildSavedNotSold