
Dear Friends & Supporters,

At this time of joyful giving and celebration, we invite our supporters to invest in the rescue, recovery and rehabilitation of at-risk children. Over one-third of runaway and missing children in our country will be taken by criminal child sex traffickers. Since December 2014, Saved In America has assisted in the rescue and recovery of more than 250 children nationwide, reuniting them with their families.

Your support and generosity is essential to our continued mission of saving these children.

Saved In America utilizes an all-volunteer force of former police officers, Navy SEALs, and special operations forces who, without charge, assist parents and law enforcement in the recovery of runaway and missing children.

On this Giving Tuesday, please help us continue our mission and unite families this blessed holiday season. #ChildSavedNotSold

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Donations are made securely via PayPal. Your PayPal charge will be on behalf of Saved In America. All funds go directly to Saved In America.